Each week for nearly four decades, Eli Siegel gave lectures on a wide variety of subjects: literature, mind, economics, art, history, the drama, and more. At once scholarly and warm, these lectures illustrate the principle at the basis of Aesthetic Realism, and fundamental to its study: “The world, art, and self explain each other: each is the aesthetic oneness of opposites.”
- A French Critic Looks at Shakespeare, 1860
- A Poem Is in the World
- A Statement about Poetry: Some Instances
- A Thing Has This
- Aesthetic Realism Doesn’t Mind Being Philosophic
- Aesthetic Realism Looks at Feeling
- Aesthetic Realism Looks at Frustration
- Aesthetic Realism Looks at Things
- Aesthetic Realism and Education
- Aesthetic Realism and Expression
- Aesthetic Realism and Hope
- Aesthetic Realism and Learning
- Aesthetic Realism and Love
- Aesthetic Realism and Music
- Aesthetic Realism and Nature
- Aesthetic Realism and People
- Aesthetics Is the One Way
- Aesthetics and Worry
- Animate and Inanimate Are in Music and Conscience
- Art Is within Science
- Beginning with Psychiatric Terms: An Aesthetic Realism Consideration.
- Beginning with Sentences
- Children as Selves
- Contempt & World War I
- Contempt Here and There
- Criticism Is the Art of Responding to Value
- Education and Feeling Good
- Hail, Relation; or, A Study in Poetry
- Hamlet and Questions
- Has Poetry Point?
- Hazlitt Tells of Criticism
- How Aesthetic Realism Sees Art
- How Effective Are We?
- Humor: Music
- Imagination Has Emphasis
- Instinct & Madame de Sévigné
- Instinct: Beginning with Shelley
- Intelligence Is You and More
- Is Hope Worth Money?
- It Still Moves; or, The Novel
- Love and Confusion
- Map to Happiness
- Mind and Attention
- Mind and Friends
- Mind and Intelligence
- Mind and Memory
- Mind and People
- Mind and Restlessness
- Mind and Schools
- Music & “Questions for Everyone"
- New York Begins Poetically
- Philosophy Begins with That
- Philosophy Consists of Instincts
- Pleasure and Self-Conflict
- Poetry I: Imagination Is All This
- Poetry Is Alphabetical
- Poetry Is of Man
- Poetry and Brightness
- Poetry and Cleverness
- Poetry and Mischief
- Poetry and Practicality
- Poetry and Space
- Poetry and Technique
- Poetry and Women
- Poetry and Words
- Poetry and the Unconscious
- Poetry, Atmosphere & Neatness
- Possibilities of Aesthetic Realism
- Pretense and Self-Conflict
- Reading Itself Has to Do with Poetry
- Reality Includes Sex
- Romanticism and Guilt
- So, What Is Bitterness?
- The Drama of Mind
- The Known & Unknown Are Kind in Poetry
- The Opposites Theory
- The Philosophy of Depression
- The Philosophy of Insomnia
- The Philosophy of Schizophrenia
- The Poetic Trinity; or, Poetry—Whence, How, Whither?
- The Problem of Self & World
- The Purpose of Aesthetic Realism
- The Renaissance Shows Self
- The Self Is
- The World, Come to a Point
- These Speak of Poetry
- Things Are Likened to Each Other
- We Approach Poetry Variously
- What Aesthetic Realism Is & Is Not
- What Are We Going After?
- When Does Evil Begin?
- You Can Gossip Philosophically about Psychology