54. Work
This is the meaning of work in the good sense. However, there is that in the self which can lessen what it is, and work can be used for that, too. The action of a self may be for or against it. Action, seen in terms of a specific desire of the self, is work. It is to be seen that a definition of work as useful energy, is serviceable. However, if it is necessary to include under work, energy coming from an aspect of the self going towards its lessening, the present definition can be enlarged to include this. I choose to include hurtful energy under the next word.
55. Labor
People are always doing things. They are always changing things. Sometimes, they are told, commanded, influenced, cajoled, tempted by others to do things; at other times, the doing arises more from themselves.
Reality is always being given new shapes. Objects are always the recipient of our energy.
Life as such cannot be dissociated from work or labor.
56. Play
The self wants opposition and release. Where, in the use of its energy, opposition to what it desires is felt preponderantly by the self, the labor feeling is had; where the release is felt preponderantly, the play feeling is had.