Like of the World versus Racism
Published at this crucial time in history, this issue explains three hugely important things: 1) the cause of all prejudice and racism; 2) the state of mind we need to have as we think about other people if we’re going to be just to them—including, very much, people who look different from us; 3) how the way of seeing in all true art is utterly opposed to racism.
Racism Can End
The big thing people have not known about racial prejudice is that it does not begin with race. It begins with the world itself, and how one sees the world….
Humanity: One and Many
Aesthetic Realism shows that racism arises from that ugly thing which is in everyone: contempt. Every instance of ethnic prejudice, from the most subtle to the most horrifically virulent, comes from the feeling, “I’m more—I’m Somebody—if I can look down on what’s different from me!”…